The Dalai Lama Officially joins Twitter

More and more celebrity are joining twitter eachday. It seems that twitter craze is increasing day by day.

Now the Dalai Lama has officially joined Twitter Today. But there already exsit @DalaiLama in twitter and that twitter account has proved as fake one.

This Dalai Lama is verified by Twitter. Currently, the account is pulling albums and blog posts from his website and tweeting them via twitterfeed. He also has about 8000 followers, and as media has highlighted the Dalai Lama official Twitter Account, followers are increasing in rapid rate.

Follow Official Dalai Lama at Twitter.


  1. लास्टमा यो पनि हाम्रो देशका नेताहरुको जस्तो हुने त हैन :)? । हेर्न चाही मैले पनि हेरें है "फलो" भने गरेको छैन ।

  2. Nice blog Aakar and Thanks for the information. I did not know about Dalai Lama's website as well.
