How To: Update Facebook Status From Twitter

There are numerous Facebook Applications to update your Facebook Status From Twitter. Here, we describe few of them. You will be able to update your Facebook Status From Twitter by using following apps. twitter 

Twitter: Twitter Apps for Facebook is built by Twitter itself. This Facebook applications called ‘Twitter’ is the official Twitter tools/apps for updating Facebook status from Twitter. To use this service, Simply go to Twitter Apps Page and click >> Go to the Applications and process further what ever it asks.

Note: These days, this application is not registering new users. Application at has been giving  error for about a week now. It is saying, Something went wrong:Invalid credentials Invalid user name or password. Don’t know, when Twitter is going to fix this problem.


smart twitterSmart Twitter: Smart Twitter updates your facebook status from your tweets.

But However, it only copies the pure messages. It doesn't copy retweets, @replies, or hash tags. It will not post @replies and RTs in Facebook.

To use this, Go to Smart Twitter apps page and click >> Go to Application and process further what ever it asks.selective tweets

Selective Tweets: Selective Tweets Updates your Facebook Status from Twitter BUT only for the tweets you choose.

Any tweets that you wish to publish in your facebook status, you have to tweet with a tag #fb at the end. End a tweet with #fb when you want to update your status - simple!
Also works with Fan Pages and It doesn't work if your updates are PROTECTED.

To use it, Simply go to Selective Tweets apps page and click >> Go to Application and process further what ever it asks. buzzom

Buzzom: In-rev Systems India, is also releasing its apps soon for this purpose. According to them, will  have the facility to post in both Twitter and facebook and will be available with in May 2010.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for posting this! I've recently blogged about Twitter and one of my complaints was why i couldn't just have one status update that propagates to other sites.

    I've had a twitter feed on my facebook for a while, but never actually bothered to click on the application settings to see what other options were there.
