Nepal Load Shedding Android App Acquired For 2 Million Rupees

Shiran Technology has acquired the most popular Nepali Android apps "Nepal Load Shedding Schedule" for $20,000 (~Rs 20 Lakh). This is probably the first time that Nepali App is acquired by a company in Nepal.

According to Hello Sukrabar, Shiran Technology will pay $20,000 in cash to Nepal Load Shedding App developers Chandra Man Shrestha and Eliza Shrestha. Besides that the developers will also get the 10% of the revenue generated by the app every year for the next 10 years.
The app has been downloaded more than 500,000 times from the Google Play Store in last two years. The app is generating ~ $500 per month from the display advertising. For some, it's crazy to pay this much amount for the app that doesn't have the future, [The Finance Minister has said, there'll be no Load Shedding in Nepal in the next 3 years :P]. I think Shiran Technology - the maker of 'Cash on Ad' might have bigger plans for the app. I must say, this is an exciting news for the app developers here in Nepal.


  1. I highly dought about that "no loadshedding in the next three years" thing. We've spent a decade with no electricity evenings. That app is worth the money.

  2. Hi Aayusha,

    Maybe some paid apps like Simplify360 would provide such service.

